Welcome! This is the new home for all my writing updates. Please take a look around. This author website has been a dream of mine for a while and it’s such a wonderful thing to have it come true. I intend this to be a “home base” for all my writer-related activities and news. You can get more info on my background and stories. I will also be starting a blog where I hope to post regularly. Content will include what I’m reading, what I’m writing, what I’m learning, and general life stuff. There’s also a newsletter sign-up so you can get my author updates right in your inbox. You can sign up by clicking [here]. Thank you for supporting me and my stories. Whether this website is our first meeting or if you’ve been supporting my writing for years, it means a lot to me. Writing can be a very solitary experience. Anything I write is always a reflection of what’s going on inside me at the time. But one of my favorite parts of the process is releasing something into the wild and watching it connect with others. Many times it resonates in ways I didn’t expect. That’s because you open the doors of your heart to these stories and musings, allowing them to become yours as much as they are mine. Stories bring us together, allowing us to feel and reminding us that we aren’t alone. I appreciate you being part of this journey. Thanks for stopping by!